What Is PulStar Computerized Spinal Analysis:

The PulStarTM computerized spinal analysis device is a patented, FDA-approved, sophisticated computerized software system, that provides gentle analysis and treatment for chronic or acute pain by using precise computer-controlled impulses with documented results.

In keeping up with the latest in scientific technology to best serve our patients, Dr. Horowitz uses the PulStarTM  to complement other treatments offered at My Toronto Chiropractor Clinic.  By combining manual, hands-on Chiropractic care with the gentle technology of PulStarTM, Dr. Horowitz is able to offer the “Best of Both Worlds”.

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The PulStarTM probe (sensor) is used to direct a gentle impulse to the patient’s spine. The program records the resistance given back to that probe and then displays a graphic representation on the computer screen.

This objective scan of spinal resistance adds to the information Dr. Horowitz collects when she uses her hands in examining the spine.

Amazingly, the scan provides objective data on helping to determine if and where a given vertebra needs to be mobilized/adjusted due to reduced motion.  The amount of force used with the probe is gentle and can be controlled according to the needs of each patient.

How Does The PulStarTM Work?

 Step I: Pre-Treatment Analysis

The first step is to analyze the spine. A probe imparts a small mechanical impulse along the entire spine as each vertebra is analyzed for the proper joint function. The PulstarTM displays immediate objective bar graphs for the Doctor and Patient to see, that indicate areas that require Chiropractic treatment.
Step II: Treatment (Adjustment)

In the treatment or adjust mode and based on data gained during Pre-Treatment Analysis, Dr. Horowitz can administer a series of precise, low force and gentle impulses. These impulses are aimed at re-establishing motion in previously restricted joints, relieving muscle spasm and restoring normal joint and neurological function.

Unlike other devices on the market, PulStarTM is the only device that senses the motion of the underlying joints as treatment is taking place and automatically turns off impulses once the proper motion of the joint returns.


Step III: Post-Analysis

Each vertebra is re-analyzed for proper function in order to objectively determine the effectiveness of the treatment and both patient and doctor can see the graphic of post-analysis.
Have Questions about how PulStarTM Spinal Analysis & Chiropractic Care at My Toronto Chiropractor Clinic can Help?

Contact us by calling (647) 349-4909
or ask Dr. Horowitz a question by filling out this form below:

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