My Toronto Chiropractor – North Toronto

There are several causes of Lumbar Disc Herniation. By educating ourselves about causes and risk factors, we can prevent Sciatica and injury to our spinal discs.

Causes of Lumbar Disc Herniation include:causes-lumbar-disc-herniation-sciatica

  • repetitive strain injuries at work or sports (e.g. golf)
  • Truck drivers or workers exposed to vibrational forces for prolonged periods of time
  • Lifting improperly, rotating when lifting something heavy or twisting to get into and out of a car
  • Trauma from a bad slip, fall or car accident

The spinal discs in children have a high water content, which helps the discs stay flexible as they act as cushions between the vertebrae. Over time as part of the normal aging process, the discs begin to dry out. This leaves the disc’s tough outer ring more brittle and vulnerable to cracking and tearing from relatively mild movements.

Risk Factors for Lumbar Disc Herniation Include:

Age. The most common risk factor is being between the ages of 35 and 50. The condition rarely causes symptoms after age 80.

Gender. Men have roughly twice the risk for lumbar herniated discs compared with women.

Physically demanding work. Jobs that require heavy lifting and other physical labor have been linked to a greater risk of developing a lumbar herniated disc. Pulling, pushing, and twisting actions can add to risk if they’re done repeatedly.Obesity. Excess weight makes one more likely to experience a lumbar herniated disc and 12 times more likely to have the same disc herniate again, called a recurrent disc herniation, after a microdiscectomy surgery. Experts believe that carrying extra weight increases the stress on the lumbar spine, making people who are obese more prone to herniation.

Smoking. Nicotine limits blood flow to spinal discs, which speeds up disc degeneration and hampers healing. A degenerated disc is less pliable, making it more likely to tear or crack, which can lead to a herniation. The medical literature is mixed on whether people who smoke are at greater risk for a new herniation following a discectomy.

Family history. The medical literature has shown a hereditary tendency for disc degeneration, and disc degeneration is associated with an increased risk for a herniation. One extensive study found that a family history of lumbar herniated discs is the best predictor of a future herniation.

Improper types of Exercises that place high stresses onto Discs. Full Sit-ups are an example of this.

Call My Toronto Chiropractor Health Clinic at (647) 349-4909 for an appointment or ask Dr. Horowitz a question by submitting the form below:

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