Chiropractic treatments that we offer include a combination of:

  • Gentle hands-on Chiropractic Adjustments


  • Spinal mobilizations using the PulstarTM  (which accomplishes objective computer scans and gentle spinal corrections, without the need for twisting the neck or spine).



  • Massage and other soft tissue techniques
  • Electrical Modalities such as Ultrasound, Muscle Stimulation, Interferential Current
  • Custom-made foot Orthotics (details at Toronto Orthotics)
  • Medical-grade Support Hosiery fittings for Socks (men and women) and Stockings
  • Spine stabilizing and strengthening Exercises to heal deconditioned muscles and improve spinal ranges of motion.
  • Nerve “flossing” or nerve mobilizing techniques
  • Education on self-care, reducing risk factors and remaining physically active
  • Education about spine-sparing strategies that teach how to avoid positions that strain injured discs and Prevention of future injuries

Services offered at our Clinic do not involve the use of drugs or surgery.  This is beneficial because the many side effects that come along with more invasive therapies are reduced.

Mindbody Treatments for Chronic Pain which may include:

a) Cognitive-behavioral Treatment to change negative thinking patterns about carrying through with exercises and staying physically active and/or

b) Mindfulness-Based Meditation to help reduce chronic pain

All Clinic Services share the following goals:

  • Providing pain relief naturally, by re-establishing normal spinal motion and accelerating healing of a disc bulge
  • Reducing inflammation and reducing compression of nerves
  • Reducing the need for medications
  • Speeding recovery
  • Allowing for a return to normal activities and work as soon as possible
  • Education about self-management strategies including reducing factors that exacerbate the condition
  • Identifying ways to continue participating in physical activities and hobbies, without aggravating the condition.
  • Exercise rehabilitation to improve strength, flexibility, movement coordination and power is vital to reducing the risk of future injury
  • Postural re-education

The patients who see the best results and are happiest with treatment results are those who are the most involved in their care and are consistent with following through with home-based exercises. They are also more likely to feel confident in referring their friends, family and coworkers.

Diagnosing the Correct Source of Pain is Key to Effective Treatment:

One-size does not fit all when it comes to your health care needs and care.

Dr. Horowitz carefully considers the needs of each unique person to decide whether Chiropractic Adjustments are appropriate and which other treatments should be considered. Dr. Horowitz works with other health-care providers and refers her patients elsewhere as needed.

To prepare an individualized treatment plan, Dr. Horowitz takes the time to listen to each patient, gathering a full medical history. She then conducts a comprehensive diagnostic examination of the spine, joints, nervous system, sensory and muscular systems to determine the underlying cause(s) of symptoms.

Dr. Horowitz may order x-rays if a patient’s history so warrants, and she may refer a patient to his/her general medical practitioner to obtain advanced spinal imaging when needed.

Therefore, many considerations go into the decision to order advanced diagnostic imaging. These include the need to confirm or rule out a more ominous diagnosis, if treatment offered would be altered based on results of advanced imaging, if a patient was unresponsive to a trial of conservative management (6-8 weeks) for sciatic type symptoms, if activities of daily life are severely affected, if pain is intolerable despite medications, or if there are rapidly progressing neurological deficits present.

Both CT scans and x-rays expose people to radiation that are cumulative in the body and are damaging to the cells and should be used only when absolutely necessary.

Doctors of Chiropractic are musculoskeletal specialists. If you have a specific question or are looking for some direction in how to help yourself, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Call (647) 349-4909 or to ask Dr. Leslie Horowitz a question, complete the form below:

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